Leaf Organics International Introduces Five New Organic Hemp Oil-Based Products

When Maggie Zombro, the creator of the Leaf Organics International brand product line, started her holistic earth product remedy business in Phoenix 11 years ago, she initially used common essential oils in her product preparations.
But after hearing about the benefits of organic hemp oils, she began experimenting with the new ingredient and decided to revamp her entire product line.
Today, the new Leaf Organics International brand, which began selling products in January 2016, offers five products that all use holistic herbal and certified organic hemp oil products as a key ingredient. Her line includes a muscle mist, herbal rub for pain, a tea tree and lavender salve for your skin, a lavender headache salve and hemp body lotion.
Zombro’s decided to replace the saturated and organic natural oil products she previously used with certified organic hemp oil that does not contain any CBD (cannabidiol). She made the switch to using organic hemp oil because it has better moisturizing properties, she said.
“Making this change to include only certified, organic hemp oil has given us the main ingredient that I think is a better skin moisturizer. That’s why we are now using it in all of our products,” Zombro said. “I have especially heard from our customers that the oils and mists are especially helpful to people with arthritis.”
Zombro, who has been in the holistic earth remedy business for 11 years and lives in Phoenix, sells her organic hemp oil products online at her site www.leafbrandsinc.com, and through distributors.